Newsletter June 2013
Margarida Sampaio @
I am not sure I should say it too loudly because this year the weather has been less than predictable but it looks like summer has finally arrived in Carvoeiro and about time too!
It had been a very cold and grim May really and the days that did see the sun shine were often cold leading to sunbathing on the beach involving a good deal of clothing and careful positioning of umbrellas for wind protection.
I am not sure if it was the weather or just a sign of the times but May was pretty quiet in Carvoeiro with fewer people about on the streets but that could just be because they were all hiding inside and trying to keep warm.
Now we are into June there seems to have been a boost already in the number of people who are out and about in Carvoeiro and the new live music options about in the town combined with the considerably warmer weather has meant that there have finally been people about even in the evenings.
International Fair
The first weekend of June saw the return of the 8th International Fair of the Algarve at the Fatacil ground in Lagoa and once again this year sun cream and hats were required for this event which is quickly gaining a reputation for being the first really hot weekend of the year in the Algarve.
On the Saturday there were a lot of people about and it was a great day out for the children as it coincided with International Childrens Day and the clowns, circus performers and entertainers were very popular with the youngest guests to the fair.
There was as usual the Algarve Dog Show also taking place at the same time and this year the pets and owners were spared the heat of the blazing sun as the event was taken inside to the large exhibition hall for the show.
Sadly photographer John Oliver was unable to attend the event this year to take the official photos but Dan and Natasha from Birch Photography quickly stepped up to the mark and took over the duties so a big thank you to them for being such an important part of the show.
The food court area seemed to be one of the most popular spots with the free refills of tea and coffee and bargain priced bacon sandwiches being a big draw at the All Saints restaurant while the chicken piri piri and bifanas were a hit at the Bombeiros stand.
It was fantastic to see the Bombeiros once again at the fair and the children were clearly enjoying playing on the zip line and with the hoses while much needed funds were raised for the volunteers.
To be honest I couldn’t really tell if there were more or less stands this year because moving the Algarve Dog Show inside made it difficult to tell but there was still plenty to see – although I am not sure if the €3 entry fee is really justified for the event however it is in line with the €5 that is charged to enter the Fatacil show in August.
In all a good day out for all the family and of course a great opportunity to catch up with anyone you ever needed to see in the Algarve. I go specifically because it is the only place I see some people over the year!
Bathing Season
I am sure plenty of you brave it for a day on the beach out of bathing season but for anyone who is keen to have a lifeguard on the beach then the official bathing season began on the first of the month.
This basically means that now you will find the sun loungers and shades on the beaches now, the beach bars will be open, the water sports will be available (depending on the weather) and the lifeguards will now be there at the beach on a daily basis until the end of September.
It also generally means that from now on the beaches are much busier than usual but with so many beaches in the area to chose from you are sure to still find a quiet spot on the sand to park yourself.
This year the beaches in the Lagoa area have not been given Blue Flags. Blue flags are awards given to beaches that reach a certain level for safety, water quality and other standards on a worldwide level.
In the past the beaches around Carvoeiro have had Blue Flags but because of the cliffs along the coast and changes to the regulations the beaches locally will no longer have this recognition which is a real shame.
The president of the Câmara in Lagoa said that he regretted not being able to apply for the award but the beaches will never reach the standards needed now because the cliffs around here are dangerous.
So keep that in mind when going to the beach in Carvoeiro – you may have a lifeguard to look out for you but they will not be able to do much in the case of a rock fall if you are sat under the cliffs in the danger zones. Take an umbrella to the beach for shade and don’t use the cliffs for this.
Bank holiday
One day that is sure to be very busy at the beach this month is June 10th. June 10 is Portugal Day and is celebrated with a bank holiday (one that we have managed to hold on to in Portugal).Make a note of this date if you are in Portugal on June 10th because banks and official offices will be closed as may other businesses, however the majority of bars and restaurants will still be open for service.
Live Music
While we may have lifeguards on the beach the real sign in Carvoeiro that the summer has started is when the stages go up around Carvoeiro ready for live music in the evenings!
As usual we will have live music in the square by the beach every evening now through June, July, August and September with a variety of different local acts taking to the stage for free entertainment for visitors and visitors to Carvoeiro.
A big thank you to all the businesses who have once again sponsored the live music in the square as it is a much loved addition to the summer evenings for many who come to the town.
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But there will be live music throughout Carvoeiro for the summer and the little stage on Rua do Barranco has also been set up near to Imprevisto and Hemingways Bar with music on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and giving people an alternative spot to enjoy some live entertainment.
Live music, karaoke and quiz nights will also be taking place in bars and restaurants all through Carvoeiro in the summer months including in Round Up with Big Will, in Mungos with Daniel and in far too many other places for me to even mention! If you are looking for a place to enjoy a summer evening of entertainment then you will be spoilt for choice this summer in Carvoeiro.
This month we will see all the glamour and excitement of the FIM World Superbikes Championships returning back to the Algarve.
This event usually takes place near the end of the calendar in October but has now been moved to the weekend of June 7, 8 and 9 so make sure you sort out your tickets for the event as soon as possible to take advantage of any discounts.
I am not a big fan of motorsports but it is not often you have world class races on your doorstep so I would recommend that anyone who has a slight interest to go along for the day for the experience alone.
Expect lots of noise and plenty of people at the event and take a few minutes to have a browse through the car park (in a non car thief sort of way or security may be after you) at all the bikes that are there as well as those on the track.
Not one for small children who are afraid of loud noises though as I found out to my detriment one year.
And finally…
If you are looking for a spot of culture during June then why not head down to the auditorium in Lagoa for the opera night on June 22 from 9.30pm, a great way to experience classical opera at a reasonable price tag of only €6 per person.
I am off now to make sure all those lifeguards are where they should be (purely for research purposes of course) although I promise not to try to recreate my own Baywatch moment.
The Algarveans Presents: Calendar Girls by Tim Firth
Based on the Miramax motion picture by Juliette Towhidi and Tim Firth Directed by Chris Winstanley
Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th June 2013 at 8pm
Lagoa Auditorium - Air-conditioned Theatre
Tickets available at €12 - €2 from each ticket sold will be donated to the Oncology Association of the Algarve
Phone: 966 211 634, 913 723 611 or 282 767 750