
Commonly known as the strawberry tree, the bright red pulpy fruits are manually harvested for distillation into Medronho, a high ethanol spirit that has kept the locals going for centuries. Medronho wood is excellent for fuel, and the berries can be made into a jam. The bushy Medronho foliage houses a wealth of wildlife, evoking images of a dense and impenetrable African forest canopy. Please also see "The Farm"

Little have changed over the years, this particular
installation is about a hundred years old.

The rather basic but highly efficient installation

The top is tightly sealed sealed with clay.

Fire needs looking after

All this hard work obviously requires a little
refreshments, and what better than the Medronho
straight out of its clay container.

Details are explained, a visit is appreciated on
these parts, time is not an issue.


The liquid ready is ready for distillation in March.



Aged ower winter the pulp forms a paste on the
top and fermentation takes place beneth.

 Please also see "The Farm"