
The idea of making a Web site for Praia do Carvoeiro came to me in March 1998.
www.carvoeiro.com is a very unofficial Web site and do not receive any form for financial (or other) support from neither local authorities or tourist organisations. It is just a humble attempt to thank our customers and visitors!
The intentions however is not to make a glorified postcard! It is my hope to get more locals involved in the Web site and thus give a true reflection of our town, share our everyday life, concerns and hopefully give something back to the society of which we are all a part.
It is no secret that the work involved in creating a site like the present is rather time consuming, especially when you have to learn the "mechanics" as you go along. To read the comments in the forum and the previous guest books (nearly 200.000) however, makes it all worthwhile!
The most important though, is user feedback, suggestions, criticism and I do not get enough! It would of course be tempting to say that it's because it's not all that bad, but I have a feeling that it could be a lot better! Our town deserves it!
The Web site has grown steadily over the years and it has been a tremendous satisfaction to see the number of unique visitors climbing from none to over 2.000 per day.
If you're a local business owner, or rent out your holiday home, you should consider advertising on this Web site, no where else will you be able to pinpoint such a large number of people genuinely interested in Carvoeiro... and no where else will anyone find a larger collection of information about Carvoeiro.
All local Charities and their upcoming events are included free of charge!
Thanks for your support!
Steen Jakobsen